7 free alternatives to Microsoft Office you can consider


7 free alternatives to Microsoft Office you can consider

Microsoft Office is one of the most-popular productivity suites globally. It is used by companies worldwide for spreadsheets, Word, PowerPoint and more. However, it really does not come cheap. if you are are looking for some more affordable/free alternatives, here are seven that you can look at:


Google Workspace

Google Workspace is one of the most popular alternatives to Microsoft Office. It is free and offers users 15GB of cloud storage for storing files, mails, attachments and more.

Workspace includes several Google apps and services including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides as an alternative to Word, Excel and Powerpoint. It also includes Google Drive, alternative for Microsoft OneDrive.


iWork is another good free alternative to Microsoft Office, but it is best suited for Apple users (Mac, iPhone and iPad). There’s a web-version too, but it has limited functionality. In terms of Apple iWork offers Pages, Numbers and Keynote as an alternative to Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

iWork is well integrated within Apple ecosystem and offers features like iCloud sync, Handoff and supports Apple Pencil. It also supports Office file formats. 




WPS Office

WPS Office comes really close to Microsoft Office when it comes to similarities. The WPS Office replicates the look and feel of Office and also features a similar looking ribbon interface as Office apps.

It also allows users to open Word, Excel and Powerpoint file under a single window in tabs. WPS Office is available as a software and app for Windows, Mac and Linux along with as an app for Android and iOS. There’s a WPS Cloud version as well. The WPS Office is a free tool with some limitations.



LIbreOffice is an open source word processor suite and it's completely free. Design-wise it may look a bit dated, but in terms of features it has got almost every trick in the book, except cloud-based services that means it does not have features like real-time collaboration, cloud storage sync, mail or calendar sync.

It is a completely offline tool, available in 110 languages and supports Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. LibreOffice uses its own file format ODF, but it supports all the Microsoft Office formats.


Dropbox Paper

Dropbox isn’t exactly known for offering Office-like suites. It has one and is mostly about Word processing. Dropbox Paper comes integrated with Dropbox and it is a cloud-based tool similar to Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.

The tool allows multiple simultaneous collaboration and also allows users to export files in Microsoft Office compatible formats including docx, PDF, etc. It has a simple-to-use interface and is free for those who have a Dropbox account that offers 2GB of free cloud storage.


Zoho Docs

Zoho Docs is more of a Google Workspace alternative, but that also makes it a good alternative for Microsoft Office. It’s Cloud-based tool that offers Writer, Sheet and Show for Word, Excel and Powerpoint respectively.

It also supports Office file formats along with PDF. The tool allows users to edit a document on the web and share it via an email, supports collaboration and offers 5GB of free cloud storage per user.



FreeOffice is also completely free for both home and office users. The tool is available for Windows, Mac and Linux and also has a basic Android version.

The suite is compatible with Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint and supports formats like docx, xlsx and pptx. It also supports older Office file formats.

FreeOffice comes with a modern-looking interface with a familiar design. It also has a dedicated mode for touchscreen machines.


Courtesy :- https://www.gadgetsnow.com/slideshows/7-free-alternatives-to-microsoft-office-you-can-consider/photolist/88195015.cms



  1. Name : Mr Sheetal Panchal
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